Meet Our Event Collaborators
The Yoga Stops Yulin Event gives special thanks to the following collaborators who have graciously offered their time, effort and talents to make this one of a kind fundraiser event, Yoga Stops Yulin, a resounding success!
Our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you!

Kallie Jackson
Sound Bath Artist / Yoga Teacher
Kallie is a dedicated animal lover/activist living in Ontario, Canada. They are a yoga teacher and talented sound bath artist who will be sharing their mutiple gifts for this event at the Breathe Yoga Bradford studio on June 21st 2022.
See Our Yoga Partners page for more details.
Petra Canart
Sound Massage Therapy
Petra is passionate about health and well-being. She uses Peter Hess therapeutic bowls to bring you to a state of deep relaxation, helping you release all tensions, let go and cultivate a state of inner peace.
Petra will be guiding us in a peaceful sound relaxing savasana at the Ashtanga Yoga Montreal event on June 29th. See Our Yoga Partners page for all the details.

Artis & creator of our LOGO
Marie-Ange Mourad is an artist from Montreal, but most importantly, a vegan activist. She uses her voice for those who don’t have one.She loves many different forms of art, but lately’s been particularly passionate about painting giant colorful mandalas. She offered without hesitation to design the logo of Yoga Stops Yulin.

Juliana & Mark Spicoluk
Juliana and Mark Spicoluk are the founders/creators of Boho Beautiful a travel, yoga and lifestyle brand with a massive global following spanning the millions.
They are huge animal lovers and never miss an opportunity to embrace charitable events like this one. They have graciously offered to share this event with their followers and may be able to participate in future editions of the Yoga Stops Yulin event.
Bryan Kest
Santa Monica Power Yoga
Bryan Kest is a legendary yoga teacher and one of the originators of Power Yoga in America. Bryan is the founder of Santa Monica Power Yoga in California.
Bryan has graciously offered to share the event out on SM and with his wide network. of followers.
We hope to have Bryan Kest join our Yoga Teacher line up at a future edition of the Yoga Stops Yulin event.